
Logo_loginscreen_video1Visit the SAMPLES page to see some video books!

Many of our short French books are now available as video-books for online streaming! Students watch and listen to the books being read as the pages turn themselves on the screen. Many extra videos are included to test and challenge students to read single and combined letter sounds (e.g., ai, ch, j, oi). Videos play well with desktop, laptop and tablet computers having an Internet connection. Teachers can teach most primary students to login, select and view videos independently!


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Over 500 videos for students to choose from, and growing


Currently there are over 360 videos for students to browse through and play. Students can browse by level and type (video-book, word lists, reading skills).  Listen to both students and adults read the video-books (over 50 video-books narrated by children).

Update, October 5th, 2015:

  • 90% of our books are in video format. We expect to be at 100% very soon!


unlimited-hours_300Unlimited hours of video streaming every month

There is no limit to the number of hours of online streaming each month. Students can enrich their second language acquisition with hours of listening, reading and watching both at school and at home, to help reinforce fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, verb tenses and more.


Video access included with license

When you purchase a Lecture Enfant license, you access both videos and book downloads.



Ideal for a listening center

Logging in and selecting videos is user friendly, designed for young students. As the teacher, all you need to do is teach your class how to login (typing school username name and simple password). Typically, teachers will place a short cut icon on their computers, taking them to the Lecture Enfant video-book login webpage ( ). Lecture Enfant video-books provide a terrific resource for a listening center. Not only do they listen to the books but they also see the words on the screen as the pages turn themselves. At the end of each video-book, students can simply browse through the menu and select another video-book to play.


child_homestudyIdeal for additional home support

From experience, we know that parents of French immersion students are often unsure of how to pronounce various words, making them uncomfortable or even reluctant at helping their children read in French. Our 500+ downloadable book collection is already ideal for a home reading program. If teachers wish, they may complement this by allowing their students to access the video-books from home. Parents can then cross reference a physical book with a video-book to ensure they are being read correctly. The Reading Skills videos are ideal for beginning French readers working on phonics.


Very affordable

The video access is included with your purchase of a Lecture Enfant license. There is no additional cost (although you must have Internet access to stream the videos).

