Mar. 20, 2018 UPDATE:
We have added handouts to accompany 21 of the level Jumelles books.
More to come soon. Merci!
Mar. 15, 2018 UPDATE:
We have just added 45 books on pollution. We hope these books will spark further discussions. Plastic pollution is a growing concern and many of these books are on this topic. Oil spills and recycling are also the focus of several books.
Our newest books are at the top of each level / book list. There is something new in every reading level. Videos for these books will be available within 7 days. Merci!
Mar. 8, 2018 UPDATE:
Bonjour! We anticipate the following new resources will be available by the end of March / early April:
– 40+ books on the theme of pollution – ocean and plastic pollution, oil spills… There will be something on this topic in every reading level
– Vocabulary series – 35+ theme based vocabulary books (no sentences, just vocabulary with accompanying illustrations)
Coming a little bit later (expected end April), more verb books and videos. We will be greatly expanding our books and videos that focus on specific verbs and tenses.
Jan. 3, 2018 UPDATE:
This week we will be uploading new versions of our video books. Students will have a visual cue on the screen to follow, to match the text with what they hear. We have already uploaded new videos for levels F, H, K and the rest will follow shortly.
Dec. 22, 2017 UPDATE:
We have completed the uploading of our new versions of books in all levels (1-18). Where needed, we have improved illustrations, font size and word spacing. Some books have been edited and placed in a new level. There are many new books throughout the levels, including books on all of the provinces and territories of Canada. Running records are now available for the first 12 levels.
One the next few weeks we will be uploading new versions of of our video books. The lower level video books will have a great new feature. Students will be able to follow a visual cue on the screen to match the words they hear with the text on the screen.
Dec. 4, 2017 UPDATE:
It looks like we will be until the near end of 2017 for our upgrades and new resources as mentioned below. It involves a lot of work! Extra time is needed for a big improvement to the video books.
Thank you for your patience.
NOV. 10, 2017 UPDATE
Hello teachers!
We have a lot of new resources coming before the end of 2017. In a few more weeks, we will be uploading a fresh new website. In conjunction with this, we will have the following new resources and features:
-New books on the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and New Brunswick will complete our first round of books (over 120 books) on the provinces and territories of Canada. In 2018, we will be adding to this series as well.
-New versions of approx. 70% of our existing books. We have improved the illustrations in many of our books and modified the text size, word spacing etc. where we felt it was needed.
-We have a new set of 10 Comment ça va? books, great for early immersion and core French.
-Running records – we will have running records with new books.
-A variety of other new books in various levels.
-A search feature – you will be able to search the entire collection of books by topic.
2017 will have brought many new resources, however 2018 promises to be even better with a new online resource. We will also be focusing on science and social studies topics so you can expect more books in those subject areas.
Lastly, (if you are still reading, thank you!) we are quietly asking for a few short testimonials to put on our new website. If you have enjoyed our resources, we would love to hear from you! Actually we always love any feedback – positive or constructive! You may send us a quick email anytime at Email is always the best way to reach us and you can expect a very speedy reply. Thanks so much!
SEPT. 11 2017 UPDATE:
We have added 9 books on the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. They can be found in the following levels: D(dauphin), E(échelle), F(forum), J(jumelles), L(libellule), M(moto) and N(nuage).
AUG 30 2017 UPDATE:
This fall we will be finishing our Canada series – books and videos on all provinces and territories. We will also be adding running records. In addition, we will begin releasing new online, interactive quizzes based on our books.
MAR. 17 2017 UPDATE:
9 books on Saskatchewan have been added. Our newest books are always at the top of each level.
The video versions of these books on Canada are not yet available however they should be ready soon.
More to come!
FEB. 19 2017 UPDATE:
10 books on Nova – Scotia have been added. Our newest books are always at the top of each level.
The video versions of these books on Canada are not yet available however they should be ready soon.
More to come!
FEB. 12 2017 UPDATE:
Books on Nunavut have been added. Our newest books are always at the top of each level.
The video versions of these books on Canada are not yet available however they should be ready soon.
More to come!
JAN. 22 2017 UPDATE:
14 books on Manitoba have been added. Our newest books are always at the top of each level.
The video versions of these books on Canada are not yet available however they should be ready soon.
More to come!
JAN. 10 2017 UPDATE:
Books on Alberta and Québec have been added.
More to come very soon!
DEC. 13 2016UPDATE:
13 books on British – Columbia have been added.
Find these books in levels: Ananas, Dauphin, Échelle, Fourmi, Gâteau, Hibou, Nuages, Oreilles.
More to come very soon!
DEC. 10 2016 UPDATE:
ONTARIO books have been added:
-Les grandes villes, La géographie, Les animaux, Les Grands Lacs, Les emblèmes.
Find different versions of these titles in levels: Dauphin, Échelle, Gâteau, Hibou, Moto, Nuages, Oreilles.
More to come very soon!
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